Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Presenting.....................Our New Nanny. This is exciting news. We are so excited to welcome Feruz Andris into our home on November 3. She has completed a 2 year contract with a cleaning company here in Abu Dhabi and she will be coming to live with us. She has been a Team leader for the cleaning crew at my school. She is from Ethiopia and she has a story let me tell you. Our church back home has been helping her for many months. She is supporting a large family back in her country. Her father passed suddenly a few years back, which left the family in financial distress. She decided to work here in the UAE, where she makes on 800 dirhams a month which is roughly 220.00 US. Out of this money, she sends home 700dhs and keeps 100dhs for herself. That is about $27.00 a month she lives on for food. When she lives with us, we will pay her more, pay for her food, she will have a nice home to be in and a much easier work schedule. She will keep our home nice and clean and watch the kids for a few hours a day. She will also be our respite when Andy and I need to get away for an evening. It will be nice. We are so happy to be able to help her. She currently works 6 days a week 6 am to 6pm, so her work load will be cut in half! She is super duper happy. And........an extra bonus. Our new neighbor....just hired her best friend she is roomates with at her accomodation. So, its all working out, her friend will be close by and they can see each other daily. One of the pictures above is of her friend Ghoe(Go). He traveled from Ethiopia to this country to be closer to her......he has been her friend since childhood(they are only 22), he wanted to make sure she stayed safe. Our goal is to get him to Al Ain as well, he is currently in Abu Dhabi, 2 hours away.
Anyway, that is our latest news. We are doing well. Take care

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