Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pictures:Kitchen(half of it), bedroom 1(Rydge room)living room(bigger than home!),entry to building, and then our complex, called Hili Residential Complex. These aer brand new and the kitchen doesnt photo well, looks kind of ugly wood, but its real pretty. Will post a few more.

Well we got our housing, its really really nice. We went on a tour of it today, it was a long day for Rylan and I. Andy stayed back at hotel and had alone time with Rydge, they played in the ocean for a bit with some other little tikes! I have orientation all week, its gonna be a long, boring week I have a feeling. We had some nice chinese food tonight, really good! We cant wait till we get in our apt, hopefully in a week so we can cook! We went to the market tonight, the vegies and fruits are wonderful, they are so fresh! Again, cant wait to get into our place and prepare these! Talk later!


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